
Subject: Thursday 09 February 2023 → Don’t Miss This Webinar → Technology Enabling Discovery:  Our last 13.7 billion years

image004.jpgDon’t miss the next WCSIM webinar, which is being shared with the Bridge Ward Club.

The presenter will be the outstanding Dr Becky Canning, and it will be all about the telescopes, instrumentation, systems, and satellites, which have changed our understanding of the Universe, during the last hundred years.

Dr Becky Canning, is the senior lecturer of Cosmology, and Gravitation, at the University of Portsmouth.

Becky has a degree, and a doctorate, from the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge, plus from 2012, she continued post-doctorate studies at Stamford, California, and was awarded the NASA Einstein Fellowship in 2015, and was further selected as the MIT rising star in Physics during 2018!

We hope that you can join in, to watch this latest WCSIM webinar, which they have organised and is scheduled to take place on Thursday 9 February 2023 starting at 19.00

Please register soon to ensure that you can watch this programme at:

Becky’s research focuses on the evolution of super-massive black holes, and the galaxies which host them, with a particular focus on galaxies which reside in the largest structures within the Universe.

As an observational Astrophysicist, Becky has been privileged to use some of our most advanced telescopes on Earth as well as in orbit. She is passionate about the accessible, equitable and sustainable development of space exploration and space data and has worked with students to prototype the first University of Portsmouth Can-Sat.

The subject of the February Webinar will look at  ‘Technology enabling discovery:  Our last 13.7 billion years’

Our understanding of our Universe has transformed in the last 100 years, what key technologies have enabled this transformation and how might that continue with the next 100 years?

Becky will discuss this rapid transformation in our understanding, highlighting key discoveries and the instrumentation and algorithms which enabled them.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the meeting.

If you have any questions regarding any aspect of this webinar please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best Wishes,

Karen Fulton
Assistant Clerk

Δ Please click on www.wcsim.co.uk/news/our-news/ for the latest news about the Scientific Instrument makers