
Bridge Ward Club Events 2024

Our event themes  are Art, City Business, London’s Architecture, Personal Development, Music, Civic City and Traditions, and Sports.

Christmas Carol Service.

“The Advent Carol Service at St. Magnus the Martyr”

Date: Thursday 5th December 2024 – 5.30pm for a 6pm start
Location: Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6DN

Event overview: Whatever your beliefs are St Magnus is unique in its design
and recognised as one of Wrens masterpieces. Hosted by Father Philip
Warner, in this magnificent and historic building at the centre of our ward,
what better place to ignite your festive spirit. With the organist in full flow and
lots of opportunity to open your lungs in tune an impressive portfolio of
seasonal music throughout the service will uplift your spirits in preparation for
the festive month ahead. Following the service there will be a festive buffet,
superb wines and soft drinks. This is a great opportunity to catch up with other
club members, some old friends and to make some new ones. We hope to see
everyone there in the Christmas spirit.

Tickets: £15 pp
Tickets can be purchased from The Bridge Ward Club directly. Please state your
name on your order.
Account Name: Bridge Ward Club
Account Number: 61267027
Sort code: 40-15-05
Any enquires regarding this event, please contact:

‘Diamond Evening’

Courtesy of Daniel Caspi at Hatton Garden

Date: Tuesday 3 rd December 2024
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Place: Davril, 6 Hatton Garden EC1N 8AA
Cost: There is no charge for this evening. However a donation of £20 pp to the Cancer Research Fund
would be appreciated.

We are excited to announce an exclusive ‘Diamond Evening’ courtesy of Daniel Caspi at Hatton Garden.
We will have the opportunity not only to find out how diamonds are graded but also to handle a variety of
these gems.
There is a limit of 25 guests for this event so it will be first come first served, wine and nibbles will be
provided by Daniel.
There is no charge for this evening, however a donation of £20 pp to the Cancer Research Fund would be
The date is Tuesday December 3 rd at 1800 – 2000 hrs
The venue, Davril, 6 Hatton Garden EC1N 8AA.
To book your place please email to confirm your reservation. With the names
of the participants.
Then kindly make your donation by BACS to Bridge Ward Club,
Sort code 40-15-05
Account No. 61267027
Using the reference DIA and your surname.

Dear Club Member,

The Lord Mayor’s Show Luncheon 2024

Date: Saturday 9 th November 2024
Time: From 12.30pm
Place: The Guildhall Main Dining Room
Cost: £ 80

This year, the Club has once again been able to secure a number of places for the Lord
Mayor’s Show Luncheon in the Main Dining Room at the Guildhall in the City of London.
We will be able to access the Guildhall complex just before the dining room opens at
12.30pm. So please enjoy watching the Lord Mayor’s Show then proceed to the West Wing,
Main Public Entrance to the Guildhall (adjacent to the front door of St Lawrence Jewry) by
12.15pm, to allow time to go through security and be ushered up to the main dining room
from 12.30pm where we will enjoy a four course luncheon with wines and coffee.
We hope that as many members of the Club as possible will be able to support the Luncheon
and we encourage you to bring your family, friends and guests to share in the occasion.
The cost is £80 per person and bookings should be made no later than Saturday 19th
October 2024
So, don’t delay, please email to confirm your reservations
with the names of everyone in your party giving details of any dietary requirements. Then
kindly pay by BACS to Bridge Ward Club, Sort Code: 40-15-05, Account No: 61267027
using the reference LMS and your surname.
Any questions you may have should also be sent to the above email address.
Thank you for supporting this Bridge Ward Club event.

Event Title – “The Cook and Butlers Tale”  (Including a tribute to Robert Burns)

Location – Guildhall Club Dining Room  

Time and Date – 6.00pm Thursday 25th January 2024.

This event was thoroughly enjoyed and thanks to Mark Grove for a most informative talk.



On 28 February 2024, Club members enjoyed a behind-the-scenes visit to meet the Company of Pikemen and Musketeers of the Honourable Artillery Company. The evening included a talk about the history of the HAC, a guided tour of Armoury House and  a champagne buffet with an opportunity to try on pieces of armour!

Some photos of this event can be found in the News section.

Thursday 23 March 2023- Visit to Angels Costumiers And RAF Museum London

Thankyou to Alison and Rebecca at Angels and also Peter and Karen at RAF Museum London for making our visit so interesting. We were amazed at the size and content at both sites, they certainly covered a wide range of interests. 

Details of our AGM 2024.

There was a change of venue for the Bridge Ward Club AGM on Tuesday 18th June 2024 at 6pm to:

Committee Room 3

2nd Floor West Wing


Gresham Street



Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Thank you for supporting the Club’s events.
To get in touch contact

The London Bridge Museum Project is looking for new people Background For 2,000 years London Bridge has been fundamental to the development of London. The
capital’s location was defined because the Roman invading force in 43 AD chose to cross the Thames at this point.
The London Bridge Museum & Educational Trust came into being to meet the clear need to
record the history of the various bridges that have succeeded one another at this crossing point, and to tell how London Bridge made London a World City.
Initially, we hoped to establish a physical museum but this proved not to be possible, and in
light of the volume of global interest online a virtual online museum has been established.
The future
We believe that now we should
➢ develop and enhance the virtual museum, to meet both educational needs and the
passing interest of students and tourists, and
➢ explore better links with Lake Havasu City – the American home of John Rennie’s London
The need
We want to strengthen our team with some new and younger people who can bring the
creativity and energy needed
➢ to develop the Trustees’ thinking into an action plan,
➢ to talk to people who might help us, and
➢ to consider ways to finance these activities.
Trustees are unpaid and act on a purely voluntary basis.
If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact Andrew Dyke, ideally by
email at